quarta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2010

Update 17/02/2010

In the last months, i was wondering if i was compete in the EWC 2010 in Turkey. Well.. i do not go this year! =\
There are a few reasons for that. First of all, my physical condition is not good enough. I've been training, but not hard enough to go do something interesting in EWC. Second, the Portuguese Federation, has pass a little hard time, and they don't have money to pay athletes fees, and is about 1500€ per athlete. To much just go take a walk!
If you put the two reasons together, you will understand easily. But i will watch everyone from Portugal :)

After this, a make a review to my wushu schedule, and i still have at least two more competition, one in Madrid, Orense (don't know nothing about it yet), and the portuguese competition. I'll try to go to the Toledo also.

Now i'm trying do heal my knee, to start real training. I miss wushu, the jumps, the hard work.
See you later ;)

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Who? What? Why? ....

Filipe Santos is a Portuguese Wushu Athlete.